In 2003, RCST had 25 faculties and staff and 60 students but today it includes 162 faculties and staff, 1740 students and alumni studying, working and living around the globe.
From its inception, RCST faculties and students have engaged themselves to realize the horizon of what we know about ourselves and the world. College life is one of the biggest assets, considered by RCST. So it takes every measure to protect and make it productive for the future years. The college provides the close community which binds the students and faculties under one roof. This enables the college to respond to the academic needs as well as socio-cultural and emotional needs of the students.
In the year 2003, Sj Bishnu Mohan Mohanty, the Managing Trustee of Royal Charitable Trust and Chairman of RCST had a dream to protect the biggest asset of a student. He engaged himself in his restless efforts to provide a close college community called ‘Fully Residential’ life to the students. In the early years of inception of this institution, it was not accepted by the society but now the idea of close community has been widely accepted by the Government and the society has been considered as the key to success for the students.
Driven by the pursuit of excellence, RCST has enjoyed a remarkable rise in accomplishment reputation over the past decade. By all measures, RCST is now one of the State’s leading institutions and is on a path to become one of the Nation’s best. To realize this dream, we pursue our ambitions and goals with great discipline and noble spirit. This dream is within reach. It sets forth a vision as an institution unmatched with capacity to attract the talents and address the most important issues of the society and prepare them to be the leaders of tomorrow.
Our success will benefit RCST in the coming years and in the long run it will add to the competitive capacity of the state in this challenging environment and add colours to the socio-cultural life of the region. We will act as a catalyst for the success and preserve the most valuable asset of the nation. So, to achieve this goal we require supports from our community.
Vision : Education is not a burden, But a way of life.
Mission : To create Good Human Being.
Key to Success
- Receptibility
- Acceptability
- Adaptability
- Patience
- Concentration
- Yes, I can Do