Rules & Regulations of RCST
1) Each student has to stay in the college hostel after his/her admission, as it is a fully residential college. Not a single student is allowed to stay outside the campus.
2) No student is allowed to go to his/her native place on the occasion of any function that is usually observed in family, like get-together of the members, anniversary of any kind, birthday celebration etc. except on break-days/vacation.
3) Any student who remains absent in the college for vague reason on the re-opening day of any break i.e. holidays, vacation or the day followed by the expiry of personal leave, duly granted by the appropriate authority, is to be punished Rs.500/-per day for his/her absence.
4) As per the statutory principle of Royal College of Science & Technology, Bhubaneswar no student is allowed to keep any electronic or electrical gadgets like Mobile phones, I-pods, FMs, cameras, digital cameras, immersion heaters, pen-drives etc. with them. If any student is found in possession of any of these items the following disciplinary actions shall be taken : The items shall be ceased and will be broken by the student(s) at the assembly guilty of illegal possession of any of the above said items. A fine of upto Rs. 20,000/- shall be imposed on the guilty.
The Disciplinary Committee reserves the right to expel the student(s) or issue TC to the student(s) as deemed proper by the same.
N.B. : A student will only be allowed to keep the study lamp.
5) No Tobacco zone : RCST proudly declares that it is free from all kinds of intoxicants, tobaccos, liquors, gutkhas, cigarettes, betel, bidi etc. So no student is permitted to be addicted to any of these items which is a punishable offence and it is the standing rule of the institute that his/her name and roll will be struck off the college Roll; without any second thought and he/she will be given TC alongwith financial punishment.
6) Parents are requested and not permitted to give any fast-food or junk-food to their children. As college provides fast food stall on Sundays and on occasional days. So it is not necessary for parents to give the fast food to their children. They can only give snacks to their children.
While meeting their children, the parents are requested they should not give mobile to any other children for communication except their own child.
7) No parent/Local guardian is allowed to give birth day cake to their children as RCST observes the birth day of each and every student in its traditional manner.
8) No Ragging zone : We believe in discipline and healthy study environment. So no ragging is permitted here. Ragging such as eave teasing, trafficking, insult or derogatory remarks or any kind of physical torture, is strictly banned here. No senior to junior, no boy to girl and vice versa will be allowed to create any kind of environment for ragging. If any one tries to violate this rule he/she will be penalised with financial punishment along with issue of compulsory TC as deemed proper by the Disciplinary Committee.
9) Parents/Local guardians are allowed to visit their wards once a week on Sunday with their i-cards provided by the college. The local guardians should be above the age of 40. For the convenience of the parents college has fixed a particular day for the students for telephonic talk with their parents. However parents may talk with their wards over the cell phone provided to all the Hostel suptdts by the college on Sundays. In case of exigency parents may contact Hostel supdts on any day from 5pm to 6pm. No visit of parents after 6 pm is allowed.
10) No student of 2nd year class shall be allowed on any ground to leave the college and go to his/her native place after the publication of Test Examination result, till the completion of CHSE examination. Unless he/she is asked to vacate the college on the ground of his/her misconduct.
11) The name of a student, can be struck off the Rolls of the College either by making a written application by the parents following the Regulations of CHSE or by a decision of the college authorities. Once the name of a student, is struck off the Rolls of the college, he does not enjoy any of the privileges of a student of RCST and has to get clearance from the concerned sections to get his/her college leaving certificate and other relevant documents.
12) The students and their Parents/Guardians are requested to abide by the Rules and Regulations of the college mentioned above. Any violation of Rules and Regulations of RCST or misbehavior or miss-conduct by a student or by his/her Parents/Guardians, shall lead to disciplinary action against the student concerned. Depending on the seriousness and nature of the offence, the disciplinary action can be taken which may be in form of fine or expulsion or both from the college.
13) The Students, Parents and Local guardians will have to sign in a prescribed form containing the Rules and Regulations of the college at the time of admission.
14) In case of damage of material caused by any student and found individually guilty, he will be liable to pay double of the cost of the materials. In case of non detection of the Students causing damage of material, a mass fine shall be imposed on all the students concerned.
15) Dress code : The students are required to wear the college uniform during the college hours. Beyond college hours, they are required to wear gentle dress of aesthetic value. The girl students are allowed to wear Salwar, Punjabi and Chudidar not shorts and jeans. Boys are not allowed to wear jeans or any objectionable dresses. They are allowed to wear normal full pant and shirts. Boys are not allowed to wear any kind of Bracelets.
16) In the event of a student being expelled by college or a parent desires to withdraw his ward from the college in the midst of the academic session, only balance fooding charges shall be refunded.